Suzanne Jacquot
Zuzana Randlova
As I go for my walk in nature every day, I open my senses and my civilized body is magically re-organized to creatively embody a powerful passion and sense of connection to everything. As I take in all that is around me , I not only delight in the outward appearance but receive the deeper inward significance of my surroundings. The inner meets the outer and become my source for a response. Here I imaginally explore the qualities of trees, plants, sky, ocean, rock, etc.; input of sensory encounters stimulates the output of associations, feelings, and images.
When experiencing certain trees, I feel the scratchiness of the branches and tree bark, I feel the movement of the branches in the breeze, and I feel the solidity and comfort of a strong internal structure which holds together all the parts. For me, it is a mixture of order and chaos, of fleeting movements and profound stillness, of knowing and not knowing, of playfulness and earnestness, of strength and fragility, all of which is intertwined in a beautiful and harmonious relationship of wholeness.
Here is my image: Tree.
Tree, 11 x 14 inches, oil pastel, graphite, and acrylic on paper, 2024
What do you experience when you stand beside a tree?
Thank you for reading my blog.
Suzanne Jacquot