"Like a trip to the beach, Suzanne's work is both exhilerating and calming. The fresh colors grab our attention as the lines lead us through the infinite space of the canvas. Yet, we experience a meditative quality as we visually peel the layers to get to the heart within.
The work shows physicality while exuding a softness like the seeds of a dandelion floating on the breeze. Each painting has it's own story, rhythm and tempo and together they create a complex symphony of color, and movement." Diane Williams, curator
“I met Suzanne a few years ago through one of the workshops that she was teaching. Because I was so impressed with the workshop I have returned and have taken a few of her workshops since then. Suzanne is an exceptional art instructor because of her knowledge , patience and deep understanding of the challenges that artists face at any stage of their development. She encourages you to explore, to search and to challenge yourself. There is no judgment in her teaching. She helps you to develop your own direction. She is an excellent coach!” VT
“You’re an excellent teacher, Suzanne! I have so much respect for how you encourage and inspire your students@ I think you might be gathering a following!” Sandy
Testimonials for Mastering Composition ONLINE COURSE
“Thank you Suzanne and Grant for offering this Mastering Composition course. I did all of the exercises in Lesson 1. I have been through most of this before, but by the end I think something really clicked for me as far as dividing space with color. I am looking forward to the next section.” Cathy C
“Thank you so much for our conversation today. I really found it inspirational and helpful in clarifying my vision. You're able to see things-- and are able to communicate them clearly. I appreciate it.” ~Cathy B
“Suzanne is an exceptional art instructor because of her knowledge, patience and understanding of the challenges that artists face at any stage of their development. She encourages you to explore, to search and to challenge yourself. There is no judgement in her teaching. She helps you to develop your own direction. She is an excellent coach!” ~VT
“Your insights, feedback and suggestions are instructive. I also feel you're really passionate about what you do and I appreciate that. I'll be in touch with you in about a month for another session…..” ~Irene B K
“Working with Suzanne I was able to decide and commit to an area of investigation and then focus my efforts into completing a body of work. Up until this point my efforts were rather diverse and scattered always jumping from idea to idea and I was amazed what could happen if you allowed yourself a period of concentrated effort. An unexpected consequence was being able to voice my thoughts and ideas behind my work. This has always been difficult for me and the presentation and feedback portion of the program was vital. I definitely gained new insights into my work & process and increased my self confidence. Since then I've gone on to produce new work, apply to shows and happily and confidently exhibit my work. I learned so many things going through this process and highly recommend Suzanne’s program.” CB
“Suzanne’s Project Online really pushed me to produce a lot of work in a series. Having a group to be accountable to on a regular schedule kept me focused and on task. Since I work alone in my studio, and don’t get an opportunity to get input from other artists, the private Facebook group with the other participating artists supporting my work and giving suggestions and tips was invaluable. One of the best parts of doing Project Online was getting feedback from Suzanne throughout the process. Her insights into what she was seeing in my work helped me get focused on the direction I wanted to take my work. I would highly recommend the experience.” Margie CG
“In this online class Suzanne had us choose some unifying theme or project and explore it in depth, in this way pushing our explorations and limits and at the same time making us create a unified body of work. The artists involved in this online studio shared their work on line, encouraged and gave each other support and advice. It was a fabulous experience to get all this support and mentoring in such a safe environment ! In discussing our work we learned how to talk about our pieces and our experiments, a task that is sometimes so difficult for us, artists ! With Suzanne’s mentoring we learned to define our goals! At the end, as a finale, we presented our work to a board of three outside artists and were able to get their reaction! A very satisfying experience! This class had made a big impact on my work. I am now much more focused, and as a result I am able to create pieces that are more unified. I, actually, no have a body of wok That I Am able to present and talk about! I am very grateful to Suzanne for contributing to my growth as an artist, and I recommend this « Mentoring Workshop » for artists at any level of their development!” VT
“I experienced a sharp learning curve during the mentoring program. I learned to write an artist statement that works well for me in many situations. The critique that followed the work I produced was thoughtful and validating. The painting I did was not my best but did leave to restructuring of paintings done since the mentoring has been very well received. Well worth the time and money.”
Kathryn, Eureka, CA
“Take some classes from SUZANNE JACQUOT and you will be amazed." SH, Marin
“Suzanne is very generous with her time and support.” CS, Santa Rosa
“Dear Suzanne,
I just felt the need to tell you, that while I get flummoxed during class, the following morning in the quiet of my studio I revisit the original request (simple lines dividing space) that get lost amid - what ever over takes me during our live time - and I reorganize the information, consider my materials with intention and settle into a whopping good time!
I’ve already asked several questions which have led me to a myriad of discoveries - and I’m tossing out much less paper... :)
Thanks so much for this opportunity!”
Suzanne T, Rhode Island
“Suzanne is a fabulously talented abstract painter who excels in working on a daily practice of experimentation to build her repertoire of mark making. She is an equally talented teacher. Students in her classes get wonderful support, gentle nudging to push their growth and incredible instruction through Suzanne’s knowledge and experience along with her uplifting presence. Take a class from her. You and your Art won’t regret it!” 😊 Lisa J, Walnut Creek
“Right now, one of my biggest frustrations is my lack of skills and thus, fear, of putting paint to the paper. So being part of the class, showing my attempts, are good for me - facing that fear and seeing that it doesn't kill me :-) And I love seeing what everyone else is doing. They're all very inspiring - and also encouraging! One day I will feel more comfortable with it all - I just have to keep painting.” BD Santa Rosa
“I LOVED being in your class. It was such a good pace, not frantic, and each step built on the prior set of skills. The group was great, food so delicious and thoughtful, and such a calm atmosphere made for a very productive day. You are genius at Individualizing, also very generous.” — Sarah O, Novato
“Fearful or fearless Suzanne provides a great studio for artists of all skill levels. Teaching hands on technical elements, reviewing the works of master Abstract Expressionists and most important for me gentle and generous critique and coaching. Thanks for a great experience.” ~Elizabeth, Sebastopol
I love working with Suzanne in her monthly studio sessions. She provides a creative space for learning and exploring while also giving some structure to the process. Each week, she has a slideshow of art pieces to demonstrate the skills we are focusing on that day. She offers her students a multitude of resources as well as the opportunity to be with other artists. And most importantly, she gives encouraging feedback to help move our paintings further along. She has a wonderful way of showing us how to see things differently, encouraging us to experiment with new ideas. I find my time learning and practicing with Suzanne to be very enjoyable and productive. I look forward to joining her again very soon in her beautiful light filled studio! Beth
”I have experienced great joy and creative inspiration in Suzanne's art classes. She is an excellent communicator and teacher, who creates a safe space to allow artistic expression to blossom. Suzanne inspires her classes with well-thought out art exercises, which help develop skill, and also teaches with a depth of knowledge about other abstract expression artists in the modern art world. Not only have I learned a great deal about my inner muse, but I have made good friends and created some satisfying paintings!” Sandra
TESTIMONIALS FOR ARTLab Playground Membership
“Thank you Suzanne and Grant for Art Lab. I’ve joined other online art venues and find yours to be my favorite. I am a working artist. I appreciate the videos, comments, quotes and viewing other working artists in their studios…Your composition video has been a refresher course for me…5 stars for you!!!” -SP, California
Here is what guest artist Claude Smith said about teaching with Suzanne
“Great presentation Suzanne! I was familiar with Greenberg, but not Rosenberg, thank you for introducing him. These are the artists that got me fascinated with abstract expressionism, art history courses in college. However, it took many years and lots of experimenting to think of myself as an abstract painter.” ~Kathryn G.