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Suzanne Jacquot
707 953 3373

Grant Taylor
505 930 1810


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Suzanne Jacquot and Grant Taylor organize, and teach unique Abstract Art Workshops in acrylic and mixed media.  Our emphasis is teaching a solid foundation of what makes for great art through focused exercises and personal exploration in a supportive space. Students are encouraged to trust their own intuition and express their heart’s desires. Based in Sonoma County we facilitate multiple length workshops, IN STUDIO AND ONLINE, here and in various places throughout the United States.







Suzanne Jacquot
I have been a creative since I was three years old when I dug into the earth and found magical creatures living where I would never had imagined.  It ignited my curiosity and awe which opened me up to "anything is possible". A few years later in first grade I was given a set of 48 crayolas.  I was told I could use these to make a picture.  I was so bowled over with the perfect beauty of all the colors I thought how can I make something more beautiful than they are.  I managed to trace a big maple leaf I found and carefully filled it will a rainbow of colors and treasured this image for years. 

My education consists of a BFA at UC Berkeley in psychology and design,  an MFA from Mills College in sculpture and photography,  and an Art Therapy Certificate form Sonoma State University.  In 2014 I did an intensive half year mentoring program with a professional working artist. Along with making my personal art, I have run my own graphic design firm, held the position of Associate Dean of Students at California College of the Arts, taught art classes  at the junior college level and privately, facilitated cancer support groups using art for healing and led other Art Therapy workshops.

I have shown my art in various galleries and museum throughout the Bay Area. Two of my most rewarding experiences include receiving the SECA Award from the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco as a most promising artist under 35.  The other was collaborating with Lawrence Hall of Science.  We co-created an exhibition of the Science and Art of weather.  I displayed my hand colored photographic clouds  along with scientific explanations of how clouds are formed and the weather they create.
To view Suzanne’s portfolio and learn more about her: Suzanne Jacquot Art

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